Wednesday 6 February 2008

Started the new job

This isn't going to be as cool as Siren Voices as Spence has a fab way with words and I don't know how to do a fancy link
But with a bit of encouragement from him I have added this post to my blog!

Well induction began on Monday and so far has been very informative.
I have 2 weeks of induction which is basically mandatory training sessions and updates such as CPR on adults and babies. Moving and handling and all those fun lessons.

The scarey stuff though is going through the obstetric emergencies for example when you have delivered the baby and the mum starts to bleed. A lot. This is a post partum haemorrhage (PPH). It is okay going through the events with a a manequin and a group of miwives all feeling the pressure but staying well humoured, but the reality is that this woman needs to be properly cared for so that she can enjoy that new babe in her arms.

The responsibility and accountability is huge. I am so glad that although I am now working in a new unit the staff there appear to be very supportive to us newbies. Long may it continue.

Oh and role on payday and the pleasure of a staff parking permit. The alternative is a tenner a day parking or catching a park and ride for 80p return but it doesn't coincide with the shift times.

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